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Because our products are regulated and in the medical field, it is impossible to buy our products directly. We only sell through approved professional distributors who supply our products to health care institutions.

Our implants are made in Lannion and are 100% Made in France. To learn more, you can visit the tab The Group.


The multifocality of an implant has the advantage of adding one or more stages of near or intermediate vision in addition to distance vision. These stages may depend on the characteristics of the implant. For more information, you can consult the page Intraocular lenses.

In order to determine if the patient who has been implanted with our products can have an MRI, it is important to inform the healthcare professional responsible for the examination that depending on the product, our lenses are made of either hydrophilic or hydrophobic acrylic material. It should also be noted that neither of these alternatives contain metallic materials.

To learn more about cataract or intraocular implants, you can consult the corresponding pages:

Cataract surgery

Intraocular lenses

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