CRISTALENS is a 100% French company. Its performance is mainly driven by its independence – hence the company’s ongoing commitment to production that is entirely “Made in France”.

Its production line for hydrophilic and hydrophobic intraocular lenses, a raw material (phenoxy ethyl acrylate) entirely designed and developed by the laboratory, is located in Lannion. CRISTALENS received the 2013 Industrial Innovation Prize for this invention.
An active economic stakeholder in France, the company considerably boosts growth and employment. CRISTALENS INTERNATIONAL is preparing for the implantable devices of the future by integrating Doctors of Chemistry and Optics alongside Optical and Biomaterials Engineers in its Research and Development Team.
CRISTALENS has total control of its manufacturing process through:

CRISTALENS INTERNATIONAL uses the latest generation equipment connected to automated systems. Its manufacturing process guarantees the quality of its intraocular lenses.