La Grande Exposition du Fabriqué en France


Cristalens at the Presidential residence in Paris

Front of the Palais de l'Élysée in Paris with pictures of the Artis Symbiose product.

We are proud to announce that our product “Artis Symbiose” has been selected to participate in a prestigious event called “La Grande Exposition du Fabriqué en France”.

After a selection process by a jury, we were chosen from 2452 applications as the unique representative of our province, Côtes d’Armor in Brittany. 

What’s the Event?

As such, we are cordially invited by our President of the Republic, Mr. the President Emmanuel Macron, to present our product alongside 125 other French companies at the Palais de l’Élysée, the presidential residence in Paris, on July 1st and 2nd 2023.

Thank you

This selection is the reflection of our recognized work and the proof of a unique French know-how valued by the highest authorities.
to all, thank you for the support.

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